Dr. Hal Graff
Dr. Hal Graff holds a doctorate in business administration. He is a native of Gibson City, Illinois. He is a proud father and grandfather.
Hal started his writing career in mid-July, 2015, after visiting the world-famous Running of the Bulls Festival, in Pamplona, Spain. To date, he has published 93 books, including 85 novels. He has published 5,992,000 words.
His career has included stints as a professional baseball player, an insurance agent with 12 professional designations, a sales manager, a business owner, a farm owner, an owner of a sales business offering worldwide hunting and fishing trips, a seminar trainer, a college professor, and an author.
Dr. Hal Graff
Kindred: A father-son bond forged by baseball
Father’s Day is when the calendar suggests you think about your dad and, if you are among the fortunate ones, reflect on his positive influence on your life.

Published Books

Murder In Georgia: A Davis Finn Mystery
Welcome to the first episode of the new, exciting Davis Finn Mystery Series.
Davis James Henry Finn V is the proud, and current, owner of the Finn family’s linage of storied and honorable men who share the same full name. In this story, volume one of the tale of his family’s heritage, he tells the story of his great, great, grandfather’s life.
The Davis family are proud Downeast Mainers, who live at their beloved Eagles Beak homestead.
Davis James Henry Finn I joins the Civil War, enrolling in the 20th Maine Infantry Volunteer Regiment. His military career sees him serve with honor for Generals Joshua Chamberlin, William Tecumseh Sherman, and Ulysses S. Grant of the Union Army.
The lessons he learns, and the enemies he makes, while serving in the nation’s bloodiest war, and in the proud Union Army, lead him into a perilous adventure in Georgia during the Reconstruction Era rebuilding of the South.
A serial killer, a love triangle, and a second viscous psychopath all impact Finn’s life in Georgia. Don’t miss this exciting, danger-packed, love-filled, surprise-loaded, explosive adventure. I know you will love it.

Murder In Montana: A Davis Finn Mystery
Welcome to the second episode of the exciting Davis Finn Mystery Series.
Davis James Henry Finn V is the proud, and current, owner of the Finn family’s linage of storied and honorable men who share the same full name. In this story, volume two of the tale of his family’s heritage, he tells the story of his great grandfather’s amazing life.
Davis James Henry Finn II leaves his beloved Eagles Beak homestead in Downeast Maine for the excitement of the Old West, and a stint in the Seventh Cavalry.
His adventure takes him to the Battle of Little Bighorn, to the defeat of Chief Joseph and the Nez Perce Indians, to a search for gentleman bandit “Black Bart”, to Tombstone, Arizona and the Gunfight at the O.K. Corral, and to Wichita, Dodge City, and Coffeyville, Kansas and the Dalton Gang.
He also heads to the Oklahoma Land Rush, and to the Outlaw Trail to chase Butch Cassidy, the Sundance Kid, and the “Hole-In-The-Wall Gang” from the Old West to South America.
He returns to Eagles Beak to battle a viscous serial killer who terrorizes the community, and to rebuild his life.
Don’t miss this exciting, danger-packed, love-filled, surprise-loaded, explosive adventure set in Maine, and the Old West. I know you will love it.

Murder In The FBI: A Davis Finn Mystery
Welcome to the fourth episode of the exciting Davis Finn Mystery Series.
Davis James Henry Finn V is the proud, and current, owner of the Finn family’s linage of storied and honorable men who share the same full name. In this story, volume four of the tale of his family’s heritage, he tells the story of his father’s amazing life.
Davis James Henry Finn IV leaves his beloved Eagles Beak homestead in Downeast Maine to do his patriotic duty as a squad leader in the United States Army Special Forces. His enlistment takes the proud Ranger to the Vietnam War.
His duty takes him to the jungles, rice patties, and the Ho Chi Minh Trail to battle the forces of the North Vietnamese Army and the Viet Cong guerilla fighters.
Finn IV also battles a former Viet Cong fighter who becomes a Kit Carson Scout for the American Army, and his squad. The deceitful scout brings treason and death to Finn’s squad, and a life-long hatred develops between the two men.
After the war, Finn IV returns to Eagles Beak to rebuild his life, and to help stop a viscous serial killer from his family’s past, who plans to kill members of the Finn clan in a feud that has spanned four generations.
Don’t miss this exciting, danger-packed, love-filled, surprise-loaded, explosive adventure set in the war-torn country of Vietnam, and in Eagles Beak, Maine. I know you will love it.

Murder In Montana: A Davis Finn Mystery
Welcome to the fourth episode of the exciting Davis Finn Mystery Series.
Davis James Henry Finn V is the proud, and current, owner of the Finn family’s linage of storied and honorable men who share the same full name. In this story, volume four of the tale of his family’s heritage, he tells the story of his father’s amazing life.
Davis James Henry Finn IV leaves his beloved Eagles Beak homestead in Downeast Maine to do his patriotic duty as a squad leader in the United States Army Special Forces. His enlistment takes the proud Ranger to the Vietnam War.
His duty takes him to the jungles, rice patties, and the Ho Chi Minh Trail to battle the forces of the North Vietnamese Army and the Viet Cong guerilla fighters.
Finn IV also battles a former Viet Cong fighter who becomes a Kit Carson Scout for the American Army, and his squad. The deceitful scout brings treason and death to Finn’s squad, and a life-long hatred develops between the two men.
After the war, Finn IV returns to Eagles Beak to rebuild his life, and to help stop a viscous serial killer from his family’s past, who plans to kill members of the Finn clan in a feud that has spanned four generations.
Don’t miss this exciting, danger-packed, love-filled, surprise-loaded, explosive adventure set in the war-torn country of Vietnam, and in Eagles Beak, Maine. I know you will love it.

A Ten Pounder
The Wes Oakley Action, Adventure, Mystery, Series
Book One of a Duology
Volume 12

Welcome to “A Ten Pounder”, the twelfth volume in the exciting, riveting, Wes Oakley Action, Adventure, Mystery Series. This wonderful novel is the first of an enjoyable, thrilling duology.
When vicious, brutal, rapes, beatings, and murders start happening in each stop of the Supreme Bass Anglers Association sports show tour, hunting and fishing outfitter, and super sleuth, Wes Oakley starts to take notice of the deadly occurrences.
Wes’ chief suspects are the three leading money winners on the SBAA fishing tour, Jimmy Sanders, aka “The Dumbest Kid in Idaho”, playboy Jace Easton, and angry, strongman Chuck Nolan.
Is the killer on that list? Or, is he a twisted, demented psychopath who is following the tour, and killing in every stop? Or are the murders who work of a team of psychopaths operating in every city? Or is it someone inside the SBAA organization who has a secret reason for performing the heinous crimes?
As the chase continues, Oakley ends up in a sticky wicket, having to testify in a court case against a good friend who is suspected of committing one of the murders.
How many killers are there? One, two, three, four, five, or seven more who are acting in unison?
We uses his knowledge of forensic science to narrow down the list of suspects, and to solve the seven murders. That success causes Wes much grief, but it also gives him an opportunity to stick to his views about right and wrong, and his religious beliefs.
Please enjoy this exciting, multi-plot, action-infused, mystery, thriller, as it is a great read, one which offers surprises, twists and turns, a series of unexpected events, and a shocking ending of the saga.
As with every novel I bring to the public, it is my honor, and my pleasure, to do so. I know that you will love the story that unfolds in “A Ten Pounder”.
Dr. Hal Graff